Phone: 086 823 3664

Dr. Denise Mullen


Dr. Denise has studied extensively in the areas of psychodynamic and object relations theories, developmental psychology and attachment theory.


With 30 years combined clinical practice experience, in both California and Ireland, Dr Mullen recognises the need for therapist collaboration.


IACP Accredited


Consultant psychologist with experience in a wide range of settings including individual and group therapy, in-patient treatment, university lecturing and workshop presentations.

About Dr. Denise

Dr. Denise Mullen (Psy.D, MIACP) is a consultant psychologist with experience in a wide range of settings including individual and group therapy, in-patient treatment, university lecturing and workshop presentations. She has studied extensively in the areas of psychodynamic and object relations theories, developmental psychology and attachment theory. Denise has also written an article about Understanding the Practical Use of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders) “this volume is key to our growth as professionals in the field of psychology“, you can read it here.

With 30 years combined clinical practice experience, in both California and Ireland, Denise recognises the need for therapist collaboration. Denise is currently presenting a series of workshops with a practical approach based on her in-depth experience shared through case studies and discussion. The uniquely designed workshops allow for insight and confidence in dealing with various clients whilst creating connection with other therapists.

‘ I value the sense of community that builds during each workshop as we share our unique client experiences and struggles in our work.  Discussion and shared understanding allow for the creation of warm connection. ’ 


Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.

Jeremiah 6:16 New International Version (NIV)

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